Sunday, September 6, 2009

Some context for this zine's first printed issue...

After seeing projects around us become increasingly insular with the secrecy ultimatum, and people around us endure the frightful stresses of state cooperation ultimatums, being caught in between and eventually ostracized, the activist base degrading, making way for fresh meat to get pulled into this vicious cycle...

We begin to realize an incentive to warn people of this trend. Also, to create a safe venue for folks recovering from the trauma of legal repercussions, being silenced by legal, social and emotional pressures. It's an important step in recovering from trauma to realize that one's emotional responses are normal and OK. And activists need to properly acknowledge this other side of the coin.

What we are seeking for the first zine is to open this series with a precedent of honest personal accounts, therefore establishing this as an OK place to vent anonymously, showing those who are still silenced that their emotional responses are not alien or solitary or idiotic, and establishing that there is a legitimate trauma resulting from these tactics.

- Alicia